The Lord's Prayer

Peter Lewis  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 1996
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We are to pray 'lead us not into temptation' but in a sceptical age, how do we deal with the temptation to doubt? Peter Lewis shows us how.

Satan's primary and most persistent temptation is the temptation to unbelief and rebellion: opposing God's will with our ambition, his sovereignty with our self-advancement, his glory with our pride.

There are many turnings from the road of faith which deviate gradually until we are going in a quite opposite direction. Satan often tempts us not at first to defiance, but to doubts. He tempts us to doubt God's existence on the one hand or God's commitment to us on the other hand, the reality of his threats or the validity of his promises, the wisdom of his laws or the truth of his gospel. Temptation now, as ever, is usually prefaced by 'Did God really say ...?'

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