The ism of multiculturalism

Gene Veith  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 1996
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Multiculturalism - the unspoken ideology sweeping our post-modern world. This piece from across the Atlantic helps us to think carefully . . .

Some would-be regulators of home schools are promoting rules that all homeschoolers must give evidence that their children have received instruction, not in reading, writing and arithmetic, but in multiculturalism.

As a mantra for progressive thought, multiculturalism is overhauling college curricula, determining what gets published and what does not. It is shaping public policies and social discourse. Certainly the study and appreciation of other cultures is a good thing. The problem with multiculturalism is that it is not what it pretends to be. It is not 'multi'- rather it enforces strict intellectual and even cultural uniformity, the much-vaunted 'political correctness' which trumps all diversity of expression and opinion. It is not cultural, in that it seriously distorts actual cultural issues. It is, however, an 'ism', an ideology as thoroughly Western and imperialistic as the Western civilisation it seeks to trash.

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