Facing CJD

Anon  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 1996
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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is in the news. While the beef connection has not been fully established, this illness remains a human tragedy.

David was an intelligent man, who went straight into work for London Transport from school. He achieved an Open University BA Hons. while being husband, father, deacon and temporary treasurer of the church, in addition to other numerous secretarial duties out of work time. He was always thinking. Why then did he contract CJD which first affects the brain?

We had been married for 16 years in 1985 when what appeared to be disaster came to us. He became ill and was diagnosed as having a brain tumour. It was (to say the least) a devastating time for our family. Our children were then 15, 14 and eight years old. We had many questions and found it difficult to trust in God then. I was fearful for the future and unable to contemplate how I would cope with a husband who might at the best be an invalid for life, or at the worst, needing to cope with widowhood. In July 1985 David had surgery to remove the tumour, and it proved to be benign for which we rejoiced. He improved in health and was able to return to work.

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