The Lord's Prayer

Peter Lewis  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 1996
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It was a strange sight - a blind boy flying a kite with his father's help. A friend of the family watching dared to ask him a question: 'What do you get out of this when you can't see the kite?' The answer was simple enough, the boy replied: 'I can't see it, but I can feel the pull.'

Christians might make a similar reply to the questions, 'Why pray to a God you can't see? Why put so much effort into an exercise so unquantifiable?' The answer might be: 'I can't see what is happening, but I can feel the pull.' It's true, I know, that often in the matter of a steady, faithful, disciplined prayer-life we think more in terms of 'push' than 'pull'! And so the question suggests itself: 'Why pray?'

God's command

The first and sufficient reason why we should pray is because God commands it.

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