Ancient heresies - modern clothes

Peter Glover  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 1996
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Peter Glover talks to Michael Horton, President of Christians United for Reformation (CURE).

Michael Horton is still in his thirties. In America he is a well-known evangelical author and President of CURE (Christians United for Reformation). The fact that a string of highly-respected authors (including Jim Packer, Don Carson, James Montgomery Boice, R.C. Sproul, Alistair McGrath et al) support and contribute to CURE's work may say something about the materials produced by CURE and Michael Horton's emergence as a major figure on the American evangelical scene.

What more than anything defines CURE is its specific emphasis in 'seeking to communicate the insights of the 16th century Reformation to the contemporary church and society' (CURE brochure). TIME Magazine put it more bluntly by noting CURE was seeking to 'bring about the sort of theological clean-up that Martin Luther sought for medieval Christendom'. Michael Horton and those connected with CURE believe that unless evangelicalism regains the insights of the Reformers and takes the doctrines of the Word of God far more seriously, it is destined to become increasingly irrelevant in the world.

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