I am writing this article on the way back from the Conservative Party Conference, where most of my time was spent with the Conservative Christian Fellowship, who had an exhibition stand at the entrance to the conference hall. The talk of the conference was about leadership.
This has made me reflect not so much upon the qualities of the leadership candidates but upon the distinctive Christian characteristics of leadership, which are needed not just in the Conservative Party but across public life.
When I became an MP in 2005, the then Conservative Party Leader, Michael Howard, invited me and other MPs who had just been elected to reflect on their views about the last election. We had all munched our sandwiches and got to coffee and I was conscious that I had not asked a question. I raised my hand but unfortunately it was just the same time as Michael Howard, sitting next to me, decided to have a slurp of his coffee. Collision! The coffee went all over Michael Howard’s lovely purple tie and suit which had survived a tough election contest but not my questioning hand. But it is Michael Howard’s reaction which made a bigger impression than the stain on his clothes - he responded graciously and sought to deflect the blame and shame away from me and shrug off my clumsiness. It led to me writing to Michael Howard suggesting that we have a coffee character test in the forthcoming leadership contest, allowing me to throw coffee over all the candidates and see if they act with similar grace!
When a leader falls, is their past teaching still valid?
The letter of Jude is consistent with the rest of Scripture in highlighting the importance of a Christian leader’s good …