Three reasons to pray before evangelism

Daniel McIlhiney  |  Comment
Date posted:  15 Mar 2025
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Three reasons to pray before evangelism

Source: Canva

In our Jewish scriptures, the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, we read about a series of men who speak on behalf of God. These are the prophets.

The prophets’ job was to communicate on behalf of God to people. A common motif at the start of these prophetic careers is the moment of commissioning - the moments when the prophet first encounters God in a unique way (often accompanied by a “vision”, e.g. Isaiah’s vision of God on His throne or Ezekiel’s vision of God on His chariot) through prayer. Each and every prophet spoke first with God before speaking with the people. Why was Isaiah in the temple after the death of Uzziah? To pray!

We may not be prophets in the sense these men were, but every Christian has an essentially ‘prophetic’ message: we are all called to share the gospel of the Lord, in which He has encountered us, with those we meet.

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