There is a false version of faith that lurks around our churches. Let us call it the 'Everything is fine' version. 'Everything is fine' faith puts the pressure on people to be happy and ignore the hurting; it suggests that tears and trust cannot go together. 'Everything is fine' faith is horrible.
Like the worst of lies, it contains elements of truth. The bereaved widow is told that Jesus has won the victory over death (TRUE) and therefore grieving is a lack of faith (FALSE). The young man with chronic pain is told that our 'light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all' (TRUE) so he should not struggle with his suffering (FALSE).
Do you recognise this hideous 'Everything is fine' faith? Does it lurk in your own heart, making you feel guilty when you don’t feel confident and joyful? Does this false faith get nurtured by the choice of songs in church services? Did this fake faith push you out of the church where people could not cope with honesty about suffering?
Facing 2025 with strength
Did you start 2025 with a sense of fragility?No, not the 'feeling fragile' that people experience on New Year’s …