Lending ourselves to Lent?

Emily Lucas  |  Comment
Date posted:  13 Mar 2025
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Lending ourselves to Lent?

Source: Canva

As with much of the change we face in life, the turning of seasons is a time that can either renew hope and expectation, or stir up a sense of loss of that which is passed.

While I often lament the end of autumn and entry into winter, I have nothing but joy as winter then turns to spring. Budding crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils that scatter fields, meadows and gardens draw my gaze. My sight turns towards beauty, and spring never fails to disappoint.

Entering this new season marks another change in the church calendar, as we turn our hearts and minds to contemplate the time of Lent. This time that calls us back to the moments of Jesus’ earthly ministry; this time that compels the turning of our hearts to reflect Christ’s own turning towards Jerusalem and events He knew awaited Him on that Calvary hill.

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