Can a Gen Z work ethic advance the gospel?

Graeme Shanks  |  Comment
Date posted:  28 Aug 2024
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Can a Gen Z work ethic advance the gospel?

Source: iStock

Working nine to five? What a way to make a living. Working life has moved on a lot since Dolly Parton first released her catchy and timeless 1980s hit, 9 To 5. Indeed, fast forward a few generations and it would appear that flexibility has trumped security as the key thing that Gen Z’ers are prioritising when it comes to employment.[1]

Have you noticed that recruitment firms are now fronting their adverts with their ability to perfectly match people to a job that fits with their lifestyle? Have you read about the companies experimenting with a four-day week, complete with flexible start and finish times, a nine-day fortnight, and compressed hours?[2] The desire for flexibility with our employment, it would seem, is here to stay.

Have we perceived the gospel opportunities?

I recently heard a story about a couple whose ability to work remotely had allowed them to relocate to Dubai to live the life they had always dreamed of. Now, most of us I imagine won’t be get that kind of chance. However, I can imagine the scenario where we daydream about a move to a bigger house complete with better schools and a slower pace of life. Now, wouldn’t that be nice?

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