Didn’t we have a lovely euthanasia debate…

David Robertson  |  Comment
Date posted:  19 Dec 2024
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Didn’t we have a lovely euthanasia debate…

There were several things about the recent debate in the House of Commons on euthanasia which were revelatory of where our society is at. They are lessons we need to learn.

I’m not talking about the obsession with autonomy – something which the elites of our society are desperate to believe in. They are used to getting things their way and cannot see why they should not be able to choose the time and place of their own death. Don’t fall for the line that this was all about preventing insufferable pain – the Leadbetter bill is not restricted to those who have unbearable pain. As has been amply demonstrated in other countries with euthanasia laws, the slippery slope into involuntary euthanasia is all too real. But my concern in this article is with three other issues.

1. Government by opinion polls – dictators govern by plebiscites.

They do so to give their policies the fig leaf cover of democracy. Western ‘progressive’ governments use opinion polls for the same reason. In Scotland before the same-sex marriage (SSM) decision, if people were asked if the traditional view of marriage as between a man and a woman should be retained – the majority tended to say yes. And so, the pollsters changed the question to ‘do you believe in equal marriage?’ It’s much harder to say no to that. In the same way Max Mitchell, in an article in the online Unherd, pointed out that whilst 73% in a YouGov poll said they supported ‘assisted dying’, when the question was changed to ‘assisted suicide’ almost half of the public (46%) thought it would be too complicated for a safe and practical implementation. Government by opinion poll is just government by the mob – or at least by those who control the mob through the means of media manipulation and educational indoctrination.

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