The Church of England is fundamentally divided over the issue of sex and marriage.
For too long we’ve been trying to put sugar and salt in the same pot. We need to be honest – in the Church of England we have actually got two different visions of the future we wish to build (in reality, I suspect we actually have two gospels – it certainly is the case that the question ‘What does repentance and faith look like?’ will elicit divergent answers).
In response to this, the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is working alongside the Alliance (the wider umbrella group embracing those in the Cof E who are orthodox on sexuality), to secure a long-term future for those committed to Biblical and Anglican teaching. While CEEC is doing this, many of us are left in limbo on a number of matters, one of which is giving.
Have the Prayers of Love and Faith stalled? Not at all
This month’s General Synod will receive an update from the Living in Love and Faith Programme Board, but there will …