‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,’ is a reasonable comment sometimes made about human beings’ propensity to fiddle with things that are already working quite well, thus making them worse.
But what about US politics? Few would argue that the system is working well, or that the choice of candidates being offered in presidential elections over the last decade or so (perhaps much longer, in fact) is particularly edifying, inspiring or encouraging – especially from a Christian point of view.
Well, if something is broke, the answer is to try and fix it. And that, it seems is what is attracting some US Christians to a new force in politics – the American Solidarity Party (ASP). Indeed, no less a figure than Karen Swallow Prior (KSP) (see en interview, February 2024), Research Professor of English and Christianity and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, is a member of its Board of Advisors. You can read some more about the ASP and KSP’s thoughts on it here.
Trans Atlantic
‘US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that prevents transgender women from competing in female categories of sports,’ …