Faithful ministry: enduring suffering not dishing it out

David Shaw  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Jul 2023
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Faithful ministry: enduring suffering not dishing it out

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Paul’s letter to the Galatians might not be the first place we turn to for a model of pastoral ministry. It might even be the last place we’d think to go, given its dense theological arguments and Paul’s exasperated tone. And yet in many ways it is a shining example and defence of authentic ministry.

You can see that best in the final passage – Galatians 6:11-18. In those climactic verses, much of the letter’s argument is brought to bear on the question of how true gospel ministry can be distinguished from false and fleshly ministry.

Two things in particular characterise Paul’s ministry: he boasts in the cross of Jesus and he bears the marks of Jesus.

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