Rethinking patronage to prevent abuse

Duncan Forbes  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Feb 2022
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Rethinking patronage to prevent abuse

Guide Nyachuru (see explanatory note at the end of this article.

Duncan has previously very movingly shared his own experience of being abused (August 2021 en). This is a highly complex issue that has caused a great deal of suffering to many people. en continues to seek to provide a forum for us all to learn as broadly as possible from these sinful and shameful actions. Our foremost thoughts and prayers must be with the survivors and victims.

‘I like the things you write on Twitter but I can’t like them publicly because I’d lose my job.’

This is what one of my friends said to me; he was a church leader, but felt unable to speak truth to power because of his job security. This highlights how the way we’ve been doing patronage in ministry can make it harder to speak out about abuse.

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