COP 26 and the Great Commission

Dave Burke  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Dec 2021
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COP 26 and  
 the Great Commission

photo: iStock

Climate science is a sophisticated business, so it is a sitting target for sceptics and climate change deniers. But you don’t need computer modelling to sense that something is not right with nature.

Southern species are moving northwards. I picked up two ticks this year walking in the north of Scotland. You can now find hummingbird hawk moths in Derbyshire. And if you want to climb down to the Mer de Glace, a mighty glacier near Mont Blanc, you must abseil 300 feet further than when I first did that descent in 1974; the glacier is shrinking!

This is all very new and the fact is that the world is getting warmer, that biodiversity is under threat, and that human activity seems to be the culprit.

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