Books of the Year

Editorial  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Dec 2021
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Books of the  Year

It is arguable that we live in a bit of a golden age for Christian publishing. Whatever the ups and downs of particular publishers over the decades, as evangelicals we have vast numbers of titles from which to choose each year.

This year, among many, three that have caught our attention are these: Searching for Grace: a Weary Leader, a Wise Mentor, and Seven Healing Conversations for a Parched Soul by Scotty Smith and Russ Masterson (Tyndale House, May 2021) is an unusual book. It is centred on conversations between two men, a spiritual mentor and the younger Christian he helps. There’s lots of grace here – not only for leaders, but for anyone feeling weary after nearly two years of pandemic. The second, A Certain Brightness: Bible Devotions for Troubled Times by Philippa Wilson (Christian Focus, May 2021) has the feel of an instant classic – a book which is here to last. The title is brilliant, the contents are outstanding, and part of the genius of the book is that each chapter has a heading of just five words based on Scripture which are designed to be remembered through a day. The excellent illustrations, by Rebekah Lesan, complement the text well.

Finally, one of the latest Keswick devotional aids, Confident – Food for the Journey, edited by en contributor Elizabeth McQuoid (IVP, May 2021), asks: what does Biblical confidence look like? With contributions from Keith Weston, Alec Motyer, Andrew Dow, Jonathan Lamb, Vaughan Roberts, Alistair Begg, Steve Brady, Hugh Palmer and Raymond Brown there is a great richness of teaching to be enjoyed.

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