UK justice under threat

David Baker  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Aug 2019
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UK justice under threat

photo: iStock

The Bible tells us that God is passionate about justice. And that’s why the current perilous state of the UK legal system should shock every Christian and prompt us to speak out.

A famous verse in Amos says: ‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ God himself ‘is a God of justice’ and he adds: ‘I, the Lord, love justice’ (Isa. 30:18 and 61:8). I doubt any Christian would query any of this.

What many people may be unaware of, however, is the perilous state of the UK jus-tice system. The Law Society issued a report in June entitled ‘Justice on Trial 2019’. An accompanying statement said: ‘Due to many years of underinvestment our criminal justice system is crumbling. Things are going wrong at every level – creating a nightmare journey for the accused, for victims and for those who work hard across the system.’ It continued: ‘Failures in the system are leading to injustice, negative impacts on people’s lives, and increas-ing pressure on the criminal justice system.’

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