What’s James Bond got to do with evangelicalism?
Well, it concerns what Spurgeon had to say about the dynamics of theological and church compromise.
God’s truth is forever under attack.
Towards the end of Spurgeon’s life, it was the advent of liberal theology and the critical approach to Scripture that emerged in the so-called Downgrade Controversy. Today the attack comes from a different quarter. The whole ‘inclusive-ist’ agenda inevitably expects compromise with its demands. If all are to be included then no boundary lines can be drawn. Recently spiritual abuse has, sadly, been in the news. But while such terrible things do go on when church leaders misuse their authority, surely we are only a step away from those influenced by the liberal outlook calling ‘abuse’ any drawing of ethical or theological lines, any church discipline no matter how lovingly meant, and indeed any powerful preaching which warns hearers to ‘flee from the wrath to come’!
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …