Is politics to become a ‘no go’ area for Bible Christians?
In the run-up to the snap General Election, called by Theresa May for 8 June, Rico Tice was interviewed for Radio 4’s Today regarding the issue. If Christians are seen as inherently unfit for public office because of their beliefs, it would effectively mean that we are excluded from the ‘inclusive’ society.
Gay sex?
The matter was brought into focus first in press interviews with Tim Farron the Lib. Dem. leader, who is known as an ‘evangelical.’ Back in 2015 someone had asked him if homosexuality was a sin. He had answered: ‘We are all sinners.’ That response was not good enough, it seems, and in late April, with hustings in full swing, the same question was raised (with the threat of a social media storm etc. waiting to descend on him if he answered unacceptably). This led to him ‘clarifying his position’, declaring that ‘I don’t believe that gay sex is a sin.’ This, of course, is not the traditional Christian belief.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …