President Trump is now a reality.
Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the USA took place on 20 January amid protests in Washington and across the world from women’s groups and many others. These protests were reminiscent of those in Britain after the result of the Brexit referendum was announced. The election of Trump and Brexit are seen as part of a conservative (small c) backlash against multi-culturalism and the moves towards globalism of recent years. ‘The world has changed’, we are told.
It may be a generalisation but it seems that Western society is becoming more polarised. We are dividing into camps. The culture wars of liberals versus right-wingers are beginning to create deep splits at the political level which from time to time spill over onto the streets. Both sides are prepared to use what amounts to propaganda and ‘fake news’ to wage their battles. With the news media being seen as run mostly by liberals, President Trump seeks to circumvent the journalists via his continual use of ‘tweets’.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …