I’ve been meaning to write this for some time.
I have hesitated. ‘People will think it’s over the top.’ And obviously I really hope I’m wrong. But I’ve begun to wonder how long churches like those represented by the en constituency will be allowed to continue by the powers that be.
How long?
Think about it. We stand for one way of salvation, Jesus Christ – non-inclusive. We respect other religions, but believe they are untrue. We do not favour abortion. We stand for male headship in the family and leadership in the church. We do not approve of same sex marriage. We believe God made two genders and, though we need to be caring towards all, everything else is ultimately an aberration, like so much in our fallen world. In all honesty, how long are organisations like ours going to be allowed to carry on? How long, in particular, will we be allowed to teach children? As things stand, the answer must surely be ‘not very long.’
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …