One of the highlights of this year has been participating in the A Passion for Life outreach which was held by churches across the country over the Easter period; hard work brought great meetings.
At Chertsey Street in Guildford we had a bit of a miracle meeting, with Rico Tice using a sports theme to introduce the gospel. It was a curry night which attracted 150 men. The minor miracle was that that evening all the surrounding streets were in darkness, suffering a local power cut, but, for some reason we have not yet fathomed, the church had electricity. It was quite a talking point as men arrived out of the darkness wondering why we alone had light and power. It was an excellent event. Our main evangelist Nick Howard also spoke wonderfully well on numerous occasions especially with the church packed with members and friends on Easter morning.
But for all that, at first glance, the results seemed pretty meagre. One man came to Christ and a woman, of whose spiritual state we are unsure, returned to attending church. Some of us were hoping for more and found ourselves rather disappointed.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …