Demographically, in order for a society to maintain itself for 25 years, there needs to be a birth rate of 2.11.
The last set of birth rates for countries within Europe I could find independently confirmed was from the BBC in 2004. They were as follows: Ireland 1.99; France 1.9; Norway 1.81; Sweden 1.75; UK 1.74; Germany 1.37; Italy 1.33; Spain 1.32; Greece 1.29. The birth rate in Britain, along within those of many other EU countries, as you see, is well below the required level. This inevitably means that the West, as we have known it, is in decline. Indeed with booming Islamic birth rates in Europe, Colonel Gadafi of Libya is quoted as saying, ‘There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe, without swords, without guns…We don’t need terrorists… The 50+ million Muslims will turn it into a Muslim continent within decades.’
Secular self-destruction
Why are Western birth rates so low? The West is secular by and large and secular people believe this life is all there is. The philosophy which follows is that of self-centred materialism and ‘sensualism’. We are only here for a short time and the only sources of happiness are our five physical senses so we had better ‘eat and drink (and go for it in whatever way turns us on), for tomorrow we die’. The logical outcome is hedonism. That was the apostle Paul’s conclusion in 1 Corinthians 15.32.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …