I have had a dreadful cold-cum-flu thing which may yet turn me into a Darwinian.
At present I am sneezing up something green, reminiscent of the ‘primeval soup’. I am expecting life to evolve from it anytime. (Perhaps you didn’t want to know that.)
Corruption and free speech
With this infection taking its toll there is plenty of depressing news to add to the flu-blues. Can you believe it that a Labour Government which came to power on a promise to clean up sleaze has been caught doing what the previous Tory administration had done, and which New Labour itself had legislated against, namely receiving illegal payments to party funds? December saw the police beginning to take up the matter. Politicians always like to draw the picture in terms of ‘the good guys (us) and the bad guys (them)’. The electorate fall for it every time. But the truth is that corruption knows no political boundaries. ‘For all have sinned…’ says the Scripture.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …