Where are we?

John Benton  |  Comment
Date posted:  1 Apr 2006
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Where are we?

The first time I ever got involved in a newspaper was 25 years ago this month. I began as assistant editor under Bob Horn at what was then Evangelical Times.

The front page story for the April issue of 1981 was that of the death of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones who went to be with the Lord, very appropriately for the great Welshman, on Sunday March 1, St. David’s Day. As we put the paper together at that time, the office conversation centred around how evangelicalism would develop in the future now that the doctor’s illustrious figure had been removed from among us. Grounded thoroughly in Scripture, his incisive mind and the sense of God’s authority upon his preaching had made him both a wise and dynamic influence across the evangelical spectrum for 40 years or more. What would happen now?

After Lloyd-Jones

Twenty-five years on we can see that a ferocious battle has raged and continues to rage for the soul of evangelicalism and that battle centres on biblical truth.

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