advertise in en

Submitting the artwork

When you are submitting your artwork please include the following:

  • the issue (for print) or start date (for web) or week(s) (for email) in which you would like the advert to appear
  • the name and address details for the invoice
  • where appropriate, your evidence of charitable status and the zero rating declaration (see the final page of the rate card for more details)

If possible, please email your advert booking and artwork to us. The email address can be found on page 2 of any printed copy of en, or contact us and we will give you the email address - please note that you cannot send attachments via the contact us page. Please ensure that we receive your booking by the advert deadline.

For classified adverts

Simply send us the wording for your classified advert

For display adverts

We offer two options for submitting artwork for display adverts:

  1. Send the text and images for us to set in the frame size you have chosen - there is no extra charge for this. Or...
  2. Send a print ready pdf of the advert artwork, created to the correct size and specification as shown in the 'technical bit' on the rate card.

For email adverts

  • small: 650 (wide) x 180 (tall) pixels.
  • medium: 600 (wide) x 300 (tall) pixels.
  • large: 600 (wide) x 600 (tall) pixels.

Resolution should be 72dpi, and format should be: jpeg or png.

Please supply a URL for the click through from your advert.

For web adverts

If you are placing a Recruitment Display advert to be printed in the newspaper you do not need to send separate artwork for it to appear on the Looking for a Job? page, we will handle that for you. For all other web adverts, please follow this specification:

Adverts on our homepage:

Format: jpeg or png.
Resolution: 72dpi.
Size: 650 (wide) x 180 (tall) pixels.
Please supply a URL for the click through from your advert.

Adverts on all listing and article pages:

Format: jpeg or png.
Resolution: 72dpi.
Size: 300 (wide) x 300 (tall) pixels.
Please supply a URL for the click through from your advert.

You will also find this information in the 'technical bit' on the rate card.

Advert deadlines