advertise in en

How to advertise with us

  1. Download and review the rate card.
  2. Choose the advertising approach you want to take (see type of advert for more details)
  3. Decide on the size - for a printed display advert, choose the size and consider whether or not you would also like to place an advert on the website. For a classified advert decide on the number of words to suit your budget.
  4. Review the information about charities and VAT on the last page of the rate card to determine if you qualify for zero VAT rating or not.
  5. Submit the artwork. For a print advert, make sure your artwork is in accordance with the specifications on the rate card, and submit by the advert deadline of the issue you would like your advert to appear in along with name and address details for the invoice. If you qualify for zero VAT rating, please also provide the evidence of charitable status and the zero VAT rating declaration (see the last page of the rate card for details).
  6. Pay for your advert after you receive your invoice - please do not send payment with your order.

Please note that we cannot guarantee advertising space and en reserves the absolute right to decline advertisements at its own discretion.

Types of Advert