advertise in en

Why advertise in en?

We'd love to help you reach Christians across the country.
Whether you have a particular event or project to announce, or are after regular adverts for increasing brand awareness, we can help.

We estimate our total audience to be around 15,000 (9,000 in print and an additional 6,000 online) mainly focussed across the UK with some abroad. The uniting factor for our diverse range of readers is the fact that we take the Bible seriously as God’s Word and our final authority (see our Statement of Faith). For more information about us, get in touch and we can send you our media pack.

With the backing of a broad support base of many leading evangelicals, advertising in en can be advantageous to you in:

  • Reaching an increasing cross-section of evangelical churches inside and outside the main denominations as more churches and parishes take en as their source of news and comment.
  • Targeting a diverse age-range of readers from students through to the retired.
  • Communicating your message effectively and consistently with the space and costs designed to support your budget in print and online.

We offer three main avenues for advertising - through the printed newspaper, on our website or in our Friday email newsletters.

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How to advertise with us

Click here to find out how we take care of your personal data.