About us


A large number of our readers receive their copy of en each month through a very simple and cost-effective distribution system known as 'en agencies'. Two or more copies sent to a single address constitutes an 'en agency' and these are sent post-free making it cheaper than a direct subscription. We are very grateful to the hundreds of pastors, church administrators and others who act as agents in their churches and elsewhere.

There are a number of resources we have made available which agents have found helpful and can be used by anyone to promote en for the purposes of providing encouragement, prayer fuel, a biblical perspective on current issues and insight on what's happening with God's church worldwide.

If you would like to become an agent for en, please contact us. Below is a short break-down of how an agency works.

Free samples

Before you start an agency we are happy to send as many free samples of the paper as you think you can usefully distribute to help people decide if they’d like to subscribe to en through your agency. We can do this for more than one month if you think that would help, but usually once is enough.

Regular orders

When you have found out how many people would like to receive en regularly, please contact us and ask us to start up the agency.


Payment is made quarterly in arrears at the beginning of March, June, September and December. We will send you an Agency Quarterly Payment Reminder starting at the next due quarterly date. Please note - you do not need to pay for any unsold copies.

Payment collection methods

Agents collect payment for en in a variety of ways, such as:

  • a box on a display stand where people collect their copies.
  • collecting from readers at the beginning of a year or each month when they give out the copies.
  • the church paying out of general funds for the copies ordered, and leaving individuals to place their money in a special box or in the church offering.
Publication date

en is published to be in agents' hands before the first Sunday of each month and agents are urged to distribute copies as soon as they get them, so that the news in en reaches readers as soon as possible.