Warren Wiersbe 1929 – 2019

Justin Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jun 2019
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Warren Wiersbe 1929 – 2019

Popular and prolific Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe died on the evening of 2 May, days short of his 90th birthday.

Wiersbe was converted in May 1945 just before his 16th birthday when he attended a Youth for Christ rally and heard Billy Graham speak. Though he had attended church and Vacation Bible School, he trusted in Christ for the first time in response to Graham’s altar call.

Insatiable appetite for the Bible

A few years later, the president of Youth for Christ, Torrey Johnson, asked him what he wanted to do with his life. Wiersbe responded: ‘I want to go to school and get some Bible training and then preach the gospel.’ Johnson said: ‘Young man, find the one thing you do that God blesses, and stick with it!’ Wiersbe later wrote: ‘I had developed an insatiable appetite for the word of God, and I wanted to study and understand the Bible more than anything else in all the world.’

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