Stanley Jebb 1931 – 2018

Ali McLachlan  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Mar 2019
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Stanley Jebb 1931 – 2018

On 19 October 2018, Stanley Jebb entered God’s presence, after a short illness.

Born in 1931 to a Methodist family in Sheffield, he found faith and began to preach in Methodist, Young Life and Don Summers circles and got involved with Intercessors for Britain. Training at BTI Glasgow, he became convinced of the doctrines of grace and believers’ baptism. This led to fruitful pastorates in Porthcawl, Bristol, and teaching at Birmingham Bible Institute.

With a reputation as a zealous and able Bible expositor, he moved to Dunstable in 1971, where he pastored West Street Baptist Church for 27 years. Seeking power for service, he was drawn into the Charismatic movement where he would become an important moderating influence. He introduced All Age Bible School, Pilgrim Christian School, the Leadership Training Course, a deep missionary commitment, Pastoral Counselling Course and Ministry Training Institute. Thousands have been advanced in their knowledge and service of Christ through these initiatives. He knew that growth in grace meant dying to self and reputation. His understanding of charismatic ideas falling short of Scripture made him resolve to lead his church back to cessationism.

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