By Emma Scrivener
IVP. 198 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 783 594 412
The book takes us on a 24-hour journey from darkness to light. It is a picture of the Christian life. Starting in the evening, as darkness falls, it looks at how our struggles are the same as those of Adam and Eve. The issues of hunger, anxiety, control, shame, anger and despair are issues for us all, not just those with a mental health diagnosis.
We have old chains on our hearts and often make bad choices as we seek to overcome them on our own. In the darkness of our struggles a Saviour enters. Emma shows how, instead of feeding our own hungers by overworking, overeating, overexercising or overorganising, the Lord Jesus goes to the Father for his needs and is torn apart like bread for us. In the anxiety of Gethsemane , Jesus lays his fears before the Father and wins us peace. I could go on, it is glorious stuff.