Dr Enid Parker 1920 – 2016

Paul Yeulett  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2016
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Dr Enid Parker 1920 – 2016

On 8 April 2016, Dr Enid Parker, known as ‘Asamolta’ or the ‘Red Lioness’ to the Afar people of East Africa, went to be with the Lord she served for so long.

By the time she was born in Edenfield in Lancashire in 1920, her father’s health had been ruined by the Great War; he died when Enid was only seven. Her mother was unable to care for Enid and her two brothers, who were all cared for by relatives.

To East Africa

Enid was active during World War II, serving in the Land Army and in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, later becoming a PE teacher. It was in the early 1950s that she came to faith in Jesus Christ and was soon confronted with the possibility of missionary work overseas. Initially she rejected the suggestion: being in her 30s she thought that she was too old!

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