South Sudan: tragic land

Jan King  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2016
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South Sudan: tragic land

His House of Hope hospital staff

Less than five years into being an independent country, the economy and political situation is in a mess. Sadly much of this is due to the greed and corruption of their leaders.

After two years of conflict, which started in December 2013; and many millions of US dollars used up in negotiating, a final ‘peace agreement’ was reached in August 2015. However, the new Vice President has yet to arrive in Juba and a unity government to be formed.

Out of control

The exchange rate has spiralled, making the local currency somewhat worthless. Many shops, a factory and other businesses have closed. The army is not in control. Many local militia have formed to protect their communities. Juba especially is very insecure – many armed robberies and stolen vehicles – most people try to stay at home after dark. The violence seems worse than that during the long war with the North.

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