In God’s living room

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2015
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In God’s living room

What Are You Hoping For This Year?
By Rico Tice & Nate Morgan Locke
The Good Book Co. 59 pages. £2.99
ISBN 978 1 784 980 146

This evangelistic book is tailor-made to give away to non-Christians this Christmas, perhaps at your carol service.

The reader is invited to imagine what it might be like to spend Christmas Day in God’s living room and what presents might be there under the Trinity’s tree. The Father has a gift for us, of a wonderful baby, his Son the Lord Jesus. God the Son has a gift for his Father – a perfect life of righteousness lived on earth. But what could we give God? Our sin means that we can give nothing which God would find acceptable. We realise we cannot stay. But, just as we are about to leave, Jesus says to us: ‘Why don’t you let me write your name alongside mine and we will give my present to the Father from both of us?’ This is possible only because of the cross. The Spirit’s gift is to allow us to see the truth, the reality about sin, righteousness and judgment to come. Finally, the reader is asked one question: What will you do with the gifts God is offering you?

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