Women who lust

Rowina Seidler  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2015
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Women who lust

How to live free of the fantasy trap
By Helen Thorne
Good Book Company. 112 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 909 919 846

Pornography, sexual fantasy, lust, erotica… all male struggles, right? Wrong. Okay, there can only be a tiny number of Christian women who wrestle with such sins? Wrong again.

According to Helen Thorne’s book, Purity is Possible, all of the above are very much issues for the Christian women. She quotes a 2006 survey by ChristaNet that found that around 20% of Christian women view porn regularly. Apparently one in three visitors to porn sites are female and even more women are reading erotic literature such as Fifty Shades of Grey. For other women, mental sexual fantasy has become a way of life. I think Helen rightly points out that these hidden battles with lust that women face are little acknowledged in our churches.

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