Ears to hear

Christopher Idle  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2009
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Practical guide to listening to sermons
By Christopher Ash
The Good Book Company (http://www.thegoodbook.co.uk). 32 pages
£1.50 (bulk discounts available)
ISBN 978-1-90633-467-3

First things first: a brilliant little booklet, user-friendly, attractive but searching, timeless but contemporary, relevant and biblical. What else did you expect?

Some quibbles: printed matter over scribbled shading is less readable; phrases highlighted in yellow are not always the key ones: ‘Facebook’, ‘off button’, ‘virtual church’ — but many are: ‘come humbly’, ‘we respond together’, and (crucially) ‘where did the preacher get that from?’ And the capitals for ‘divine pronouns’ (He, His, etc.) are found in virtually no Bibles, Prayer Books or even reputable hymn books, so why here?

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